Monday 25 April 2016

Practical Exploration - Final & Testing

For my final outcome I wanted to test the newsletter using a QR Scanner to see if the newsletter is effective. The scanner instantly links the newsletter to the website for functionality. To see if it is effective and relevant to the brief, I targeted people who usually use or who are aware of Resident Advisor; to gather feedback. The first question I asked was:

Would you be more encouraged to buy tickets after receiving a printed newsletter ?

'Yes I'd feel more inclined to purchase a ticket if I was personally sent a newsletter, its a sense of being involved / first to know basis'

'I'd certainly be more interested in the event if I was informed. Normally I skip past adverts about events etc online, but being presented the information through printed media creates a different expeirence'

'I think having the printed newsletter as a tangible object would certainly persuade you to consider buying from the QR code, because its something you can easily return to unlike an online page you skip through mainly because of the adverts'

Would the personalised touches of 'Hi' and 'Events near you' create a different experience ?

'From my own experience of the RA website you can access events near you and If you have an account it welcomes you to the page. Not much printed media is personalised today like you've done for the newsletter so I would say it creates an experience that helps customer trust'

'I like how the 'Hi' welcomes you to the newsletter, just using simple relaxed language can make the viewer interested'

'I feel like the whole point of this newsletter is to create a connection between customer and brand through printed media so the inclusion of personalised touches such as 'Hi' and 'Events near you' helps this'

The feedback was positive and helpful as my resolution to the brief was recognised as connecting the customer to the brand through printed media,and also the mixture of printed media and digital through QR codes. It was interesting to see people more interested in printed media than the website mainly down to adverts but people also liked the idea of the newsletter being a first to know newsletter.  

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