Monday 25 April 2016


To conclude on this module which at times I've found challenging but in the end very helpful to my practice. Learning ways of research and exploring the historical and contextual side of graphic design, then bringing theory into practice in the practical work has been parts I've enjoyed. I'm happy with my essay as Ive came to understand new theories about my essay question which was 'the role of print media in the digital age', learning these theories has helped me forge a comprehension of what print media is today within my subject discipline; and helped me consider paths I may want to take in print media as I'm interested in editorial design.

Ive been pleased with my research in this module as it been to relevant and current to my essay but also my discipline, Ive come to understand graphic design more contextually in this module which I'm pleased with. The research informed my essay along with my practical piece and I'm pleased how both turned out.

Lectures and seminars have been important in helping me gain an understanding but also making assumptions / opinions of my discipline for myself. Learning about theories and methods in these lectures has benefited other modules such as design principles in which I've been able to apply certain methods etc to my work. At the start of this module I wanted to further my knowledge of graphic design and improve my critical writing and now the module is at a end, I believe I've achieved these aims through my essay feedback and my research for the essay; which has helped improve my theory of graphic design.
Practical Exploration - Final & Testing

For my final outcome I wanted to test the newsletter using a QR Scanner to see if the newsletter is effective. The scanner instantly links the newsletter to the website for functionality. To see if it is effective and relevant to the brief, I targeted people who usually use or who are aware of Resident Advisor; to gather feedback. The first question I asked was:

Would you be more encouraged to buy tickets after receiving a printed newsletter ?

'Yes I'd feel more inclined to purchase a ticket if I was personally sent a newsletter, its a sense of being involved / first to know basis'

'I'd certainly be more interested in the event if I was informed. Normally I skip past adverts about events etc online, but being presented the information through printed media creates a different expeirence'

'I think having the printed newsletter as a tangible object would certainly persuade you to consider buying from the QR code, because its something you can easily return to unlike an online page you skip through mainly because of the adverts'

Would the personalised touches of 'Hi' and 'Events near you' create a different experience ?

'From my own experience of the RA website you can access events near you and If you have an account it welcomes you to the page. Not much printed media is personalised today like you've done for the newsletter so I would say it creates an experience that helps customer trust'

'I like how the 'Hi' welcomes you to the newsletter, just using simple relaxed language can make the viewer interested'

'I feel like the whole point of this newsletter is to create a connection between customer and brand through printed media so the inclusion of personalised touches such as 'Hi' and 'Events near you' helps this'

The feedback was positive and helpful as my resolution to the brief was recognised as connecting the customer to the brand through printed media,and also the mixture of printed media and digital through QR codes. It was interesting to see people more interested in printed media than the website mainly down to adverts but people also liked the idea of the newsletter being a first to know newsletter.  

Practical Exploration - Production & Final

The first part of final production was a small envelope I designed, I wanted to include this as a mockup for submission. Using a simple template for the net of the envelope then adding Resident Advisors logo. The final came out as planned, I printed on 80 gsm standard white stock for the a desired newsletter style.

The newsletter has three headers:
-Events near you
-Events / Popular

The layout is rather simple, with the content flowing down the page but the most crucial information is the QR codes which are clearly visible.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Practical Exploration - Development & Production

In development I mocked up the newsletter in Illustrator, experimenting with different layouts. The main information being presented first so the viewer is informed, the order of the newsletter is the content aimed at the customer first, for example the events nearby then popular events, followed by generic news.

I decided to produce the newsletter in Illustrator because I found it easier to mock up and experiment with the objects and content, even though Indesign may have presented a better layout guide to follow. I used QR Generator which is website which simply allows you to create QR codes ready to scan so the QR codes on the newsletter take you straight to the events page on the Resident Advisor website. Adverts are located at the bottom of the page, in my essay I discuss how people trust printed media because they aren't saturated in online adverts but for the newsletter I include adverts as another format of news.
Essay - Feedback

Feedback from tutor - A solid submission that has research which is current and relevant that supports my argument but I need to fully establish the argument. Weaknesses include, paragraphs need shortened and add images as the essay needs two images included, these images could be the Ikea catalogue I talk about or the NHS newsletters.

Improvements to be made - In editing I needed to shorten the paragraphs and edit the runs ons, the introduction and conclusion also needed slightly edited to help introduce and summaries my argument. The inclusion of images is also a improvement I needed to make to help support certain points I was making in the essay.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Practical Exploration - Initial ideas

Above is my initial sketch for the layout of the newsletter, the graphic style was primarily based of Resident Advisors branding but in the initial sketches I wanted to focus on the layout and how the customer would view the newsletter. The newsletter welcomes in the viewer with a personalised touch then shows the events based on their location, the QR codes are clearly visible for the customer, the addition of adverts will be on the newsletter, I was wary to include them as people are often saturated of adverts online and find print media are more relaxing experience. The newsletter also includes events that are popular and news related to you. In sketch form I included a calendar to show your upcoming events but this may seem obsolete. The newsletter is 21cm x 28.5 so it can fit in a standard envelope if folded in 3 folds.

Feedback on initial sketches is that the newsletter is very customer orientated, 'Using hi welcomes the viewer and encourages a customers / brand relationship I think' 'The QR codes are a clever way of linking the newsletter with the website, and makes the customer more interested I think'

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Practical Exploration

As my newsletter will use a QR code to link printed media with digital I found it necessary to research more into QR codes, A QR code consists of black dots arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera and processed until the image can be appropriately interpreted. They've become common in consumer advertising. Typically, a smartphone is used as a QR code scanner, displaying the code and converting it to some useful form. QR code has become a focus of advertising strategy, since it provides a way to access a brand's website more quickly than by manually entering a URL. Beyond mere convenience to the consumer, the importance of this capability is that it increases the chance that contact with the advertisement will convert to a sale, by coaxing interested prospects with little delay or effort, bringing the viewer to the advertiser's website immediately, where a longer and more targeted sales pitch may lose the viewer's interest. The promise of QR Codes, as presented to potential clients, is irresistible. In print space is limited. Whether it is a company brochure or a bus stop ad, there’s a defined amount of space to communicate your message. Beyond this, your message is typically static and has no interaction with the customer. With the web though, everything changes. Space is virtually unlimited, interaction capabilities are limited only by your imagination and marketing becomes possible with technologies like social media: sustained, continual customer contact.

Above is way Guinness interacted with customers using QR codes, the code was located on a pint glass to improve the experience and offer a little something more, the QR code takes you to the Instagram page to help spread social media awareness for Guinness.  What I like about this QR code is that, it is only activated once a liquid is in the glass. It is barely visible to the viewer when its empty.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Practical Exploration

'Be Clear on Cancer' print ad delivers a 62% response from target audience'

The anxieties surrounding cancer often prevent people from seeking medical help, so Public Health England decide to be more upfront with people with its 'Be Clear on Cancer' campaign. The campaign was an initiative designed to influence those with possible cancer symptoms to seek help faster and was rolled out in print as well as radio to reach as many of the target audience as possible. Markeing Director of Public Health England says "This was a real opportunity to make a difference to peoples lives. For the first time we were proposing to use mass media to encourage people to go and see their doctor about cancer symptoms". Since the campaign, there has been a 62% and 29% increase in patients aged over 50 visiting their GP about the symptoms highlighted in the lung and bowel cancer campaigns respectively, whilst during the same time the rise of visits to GPs with symptoms not directly featured in the campaign rose by a maximum of 4%.

This case study proves printed media used to target an audience encouraged people to visit GP's. Whether this shows people trust printed media or feel more involved due to being sent a newsletter, it provokes a response.
Practical Exploration

"IKEA boosts the number of social media followers by engaging their audience with...print"

IKEA has already established its position as the 'go to' ready-to-assemble furniture retailer, strongly aided by their annual IKEA catalogue- the main marketing tool for the brand, with 70% of the annual budget dedicated to producing it. To push social media activity using the catalogue release as a starter, IKEA implemented a completely cost free solution to get their online followers buzzing. In Norway, every household receives an IKEA catalog, so brand decided to integrate their existing marketing channel in a new way. The idea was to get people talking about the new product range and spread the content online: IKEA encouraged its social media followers on Facebook and Instagram to snap pictures of furniture items on the pages of the catalogue, and post them under the hashtag #ikeakatalogen along with the item's name. As an added incentive, every week, IKEA would give away an item to one of the users who uploaded the image online. Within just four weeks, the campaign was able to successfully recreate IKEA's print catalog online, after every item in the catalog had been photographed and uploaded. IKEA Norway dramatically increased social media following and engagement, especially on Instagram, where it went from having 0 to 12,000 followers. The campaign execution cost IKEA a few products and 0% of their annual marketing activity budget.

This campaign shows that printed media working alongside digital formats such Instagram and Facebook engages the user more. This could be similar to the QR codes used in my newsletter, the mix of print and digital working together as a marketing tool.
Practical Exploration

I felt it was necessary to research more into Resident Advsior to see which content could possibly be communicated in the newsletter. Below is an example of the events page online, this would be presented on a newsletter with the QR code opposite to take you to Resident Advisors website, the events would altered around your past events, for example a certain events space you've frequently visited which RA knows through 'my orders'. On the app it shows 'favourites', 'near me', 'popular' and 'all', for the newsletter It would show events targeted for you, so most definitely 'near you' and possibly popular events in the area.

Below is the Resident Advisor email newsletter, it simply tells members of the latest electronic music news but nothing they couldn't check on the website. The printed newsletter would be designed around the needs of the customer and not information that may be irrelevant to them.

Practical Exploration

As my essay question is 'what is the role of print media in the digital age ?' I needed to consider the role of the newsletter I was producing, its first role is to bring the customer and the brand closer through printed media, in my essay I discuss how customers feel more attached to a brand through printed media and I think this will be achieved in my practical piece. The second role is to target an audience that you can't do online, by targeting an audience you receive a better reaction. The last role would be to bring the brand into printed media, having both an online and printed platform for RA can benefit the brand.
Practical Exploration

To develop my idea I looked at printed newsletters to see what is commonly used and what is communicated. I looked at varied newsletters, which different target audiences.

Above is a newsletter for Standard Chartered, I believe this newsletter is highlighting the banks achievements to inform the customer of how its doing. Statistics and figures cover the first page to show growth then interviews, which I presume are to make the customer feel more involved in their bank.

Above is an example of an NHS newsletter that I discuss in my essay, this one is targeted towards the people of South Gloucestershire, telling them about a new campaign and urging them to seek help and advice if needed. These newsletters have a high success rate, as patient levels rise normally when NHS send printed newsletters out. The way I could measure the success of the newsletter for RA could be the amount of ticket sales through the scan codes.
Practical exploration - Intial thoughts

My essay was about the role of print media in the digital age and in the essay I talk about the relevance of certain printed media today such as the indie magazine and newsletters and ways businesses still use printed media to their advantage. After analysing numerous sources It was clear businesses use print media for a target audience, marketing campaigns specifically aimed towards certain age groups or certain tastes, that people tend to pass around such as newsletters to spread the word. A digital side is incorporated within these newsletters and catalogs, the use of QR codes and hashtags, links printed and digital to give businesses more exposure.

Following on from these facts from my essay, my thoughts for the practical exploration were to produce a newsletter that is specifically aimed towards a certain group, the newsletter would inform a subject related to the needs and wants of the user, people tend to feel more connected with a brand / business through printed media so this would be a aim of the newsletter. It would also include QR codes to interlink with the digital age.

I had the idea of producing a newsletter for a specific target audience but I needed to consider who the audience would be and which business / brand. A few examples I thought of were Ikea, I considered Ikea because in my essay I look at how Ikea used a printed catalog to enhance social media followers on Instagram. Producing a newsletter for Ikea would be hard to target an audience I thought, as you don't know specific tastes. H&M was another consideration, the newsletter would inform the viewer of latest products then include a QR code so they can possibly purchase the product but I felt a newsletter for H&M would be too similar to a catalog. I then settled on the idea of producing a newsletter for Resident Advisor which is one of the world's largest independent electronic online music magazines. News, interviews, and reviews. The first reason I picked RA is because in my essay I discuss how magazines ditched printed media and decided to go digital, but for my practical piece I do the opposite and have a digital magazine go printed. 

The second point is, Resident Advisor is also a ticket seller so this is a way of targeting an audience, information on the latest events in your area will be included in the newsletter with a scan code to buy tickets. The newsletter would be sent to members of RA, to be a member you simply have to buy a ticket online anyway. With RA having a newsletter it informs the audience of events nearby, personally I think this enhances the customer and brand relationship through printed media. Other aspects of the newsletter could be news relating past events youve attended or news about your favourite act / artist as RA can judge by online.