Wednesday 12 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio brief 02 - Distribution

The distribution of the Fabric visual case study is key but I do believe an audience would come to it rather than it directly targeting one. The use of blogs in both music and design sectors would help increase the distribution of the publication as people would be informed briefly on blogs then it would be up to them to check the publication out further. The mock-ups beow show the case study as Instagram posts on both ItsNiceThat and Resident Advisor, these two platforms are at the forefront of the their industries and would help increase distribution in a considerable amounts. A worldwide audience would be reached then people would be able to purchase the publication in independent book shops such as Magma, Magculture, Colours May Vary and Village. Through blogs such as ItsNiceThat, Collate, Aisleone etc, a design related audience would be informed about the visual case study so one target audience is achieved. On the other hand music blogs would focus on the music side more and aim to inform electronic music fans of the case study. Fabric themselves could play a pivotal part in the distribution of the publication as they could promote it to inform people of their story. Even though in my essay I talk about Fabric never taking advantage of its stature as a brand. The promotion of the case study would be more celebratory than aiming to make money.

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