Monday 10 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio brief 02 - Developments

In development the first stage was creating a mock publication to gain an understanding of the sizing. The scale of the case study is A4, I made this decision because I felt the icons needed plenty of white space to be bold and impactful on the viewer of the case study.

I produced the publication in Indesign as I was able to manipulate the content in a number of ways while using a structured grid. In the end I decided to place the icons centre of the composition as it helps highlight the icons more with white space surrounding the element. The layout continues to be simple and centred in the case study as I placed all the icons centre of page to create a repetitive layout yet allowing diversity through different icons each page. The decision to carry on having having a limited colour palette is informed by the icons being only black and white.

The developed front cover of the publication only shows two variations of the fabric smiley face, and the icons will be printed black gloss on black stock to further instil an ambiguous style that is informed by the dance culture in which Fabric resides. Below is the belly bound which will can be placed over the cover, the belly bound gives a small insight into the visual case study. The type choice for the belly bound body copy and the rest of the copy text in the case study is Apercu. Aperçu is an idea to create an amalgamation of classic realist typefaces such as Franklin Gothic, Johnston , Gill Sans and Neuzeit. I like how it combines a variety of sans serif typefaces to get where it is, I resonate the rich heritage of this type design with Fabric and the history of dance culture.

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