Wednesday 13 December 2017

OUGD601 - Practical ideas feedback

I tested each practical idea on my peers and tutors, to gather which idea had the most potential to take further and develop. Firstly I explained the theory behind each and how it relates to my points made in the essay, then asked which one has the clearest link to the essay. I had to bear in mind that my peers weren't overly familiar with my essay, therefore I showed visual examples of how the practical may turn out correlating to the piece of writing.

In general the ideas all received positive feedback and it was suggested even if I don't push forward with certain ones then I can possibly undertake them for extended practice. However, I felt two ideas particularly stood out in feedback and that was the idea to redesign the Kraftwerk albums and the appropriation of underground artists. My peers liked the idea of testing the later idea to see if people may conceive an 'underground' artists to be mainstream just from a more commercialised visual style. The Kraftwerk idea was considered to have more of a focus on the essay, as I heavily discuss the importance of their visual style. Additionally, people believed it could have more depth to it by applying product, range and distribution and how this exists in music today compared to the 1970s.

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