Wednesday 13 December 2017

OUGD601 - Practical final idea & brief

From feedback on my ideas and a week or so of mulling over what to do, I decided upon redesigning the three Kraftwerk albums I discuss in the essay. Personally I felt I could achieve more doing this brief and enjoy it more but ultimately, it does correlate to my essay the most I believe. To delve more into the idea for practical and establish some context, in the essay I focus on the album packaging of the highly original and influential albums such as Autobahn, Trans-Europe Express and The Man-Machine. The theory in the essay looks at how Kraftwerk appropriated post war world two models that were mostly considered negative such as the Russian Revolution/Constructivism (Seen in The Man Machine) and the Autobahn which was Hitlers prioritised project. However, Kraftwerk managed to appropriate these things in such a clever way to make them seen ironic and positive. As a result changing the perception of them, as the idea of a German band at the time was very unusual.

The war had left German identity in ruins, in music and general culture. So it was Kraftwerk's job to change this through music and their visual culture such as artwork, fashion etc. In the essay I investigate in more detail other concepts they were trying to capture in the covers. But the core idea to take away and apply to the practical, is that Kraftwerk were aiming to change perceptions of German identity, accomplishing this through appropriation and rejecting the modernist that were dominating the music industry at the time.

Therefore, my idea is to imagine Kraftwerk as a band releasing them influential albums but in todays world. Re-appropriating the same things such as the Autobahn, TEE and Constructivism but in a style that maybe suitable of today, while still rejecting the modernist models like they did in the 70s. The idea also has a focus on whether Kraftwerk would still be the same band if they were releasing them albums today, as German perceptions have changed drastically since the 70s. It has a query into how they'd release the music and what it'd look like, also how this has changed since the 70s.It links to research I looked into that questioned what Kraftwerks overall style would be, if they were British or American. Additionally, if The Beatles were German and would they need to focus more on identity to change peoples minds.

The Brief

Research Question: How does Graphic Design interpret electronic music culture?

Background: With a focus on Kraftwerk's highly original and influential albums such as Autobahn, Trans-Europe Express and The Man-Machine. Additionally, their reputable visual culture and the use of appropriation and how it helped change perceptions of German identity, by rejecting the modernist that were dominating the music industry at the time but also re-appropriating post WWII models in a positive light.

Brief: Visualise Kraftwerk as a band releasing Autobahn, Trans-Europ-Expres and The Man Machine but today rather than the 70s. It has to showcase the original concepts and styles of the original artwork while rejecting the modernist models of today that exist in the music industry. 

Deliverables: The three albums redesigned and packaged in any format deemed necessary. Justified decisions relating to theory but also further research into the albums and their meanings.

Considerations: Consider how Kraftwerk would release music today and what they'd be aiming to achieve, seen as so much has changed in the world. Furthermore, think about the production of the work and how it'd be produced such as print. So on think about what would accompany the music and what makes it so unique and against the modernist ideals in music. 

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