Tuesday 28 March 2017

OUGD501 - Studio brief 02 - Practical ideas feedback

Following further research into Fabric visual case study and Nightclub promotion I decided it was time to pick an idea to further develop as a part of my practical. I required feedback from both peers and tutors to decide upon an idea, firstly to start with peers who believed that the Fabric visual case study came across like a more interesting project to undertake as posters maybe more mundane. Although it was down to more research into nightclub promotion to make the project less mundane, I believed it was time move on research and begin production of ideas. As my peers haven't read my essay I aimed to introduce the points in the clearest way but I knew the most constructive feedback I could receive was from someone who read the essay such as a tutor. Therefore Richard Miles was able to link my essay to the ideas and give some feedback, he believed the Fabric idea related to the essay in a number of ways such as how potentially graphic design saved Fabric. So the best way to tell the story of the closure and reopening was from one of simplest forms of graphic design, a icon or symbol. Also through the use of icons and symbols this also links with the Save Fabric icon which combined the logo and the iconic smiley face (rave influenced) to create a defiant graphic language for Fabric.

Therefore from research and personal preference I decided to pick the Fabric visual case study to further develop and produce.

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