Saturday 17 October 2015

Finding research sources

The point was of this seminar was to enable us to realise the specific ways to find information using a number of sources for example books, blogs, journals and online sources. This seminar helped because the majority of the time I solely rely on the information I find online which isn't always true. The task in this seminar was to find four definitions of branding using the web, I had to note down the author and website to see how trustworthy the source is.

"Branding is the art of aligning what you want people to think about your company with what people actually think about your company. And vice-versa." Jay Baer - Convince & Convert 

This source was from a consultancy firms website, the definition is a point of view of the founder Jay Baer who is a marketing pioneer and best selling author. The website is a reliable source but the definition itself could be argued as its a point of view, thats one thing I'm learning from context of practice, to question peoples points of view. 

"A particular identity or image regarded as an asset" Oxford dictionaries 

This is from the official Oxford dictionaries website who have been making dictionaries for over a hundred years so its a very trusted source. With it being a dictionary it means the definitions will be up to date as well.

"The first definition of 'brand' is the name given to a product or service from a specific source. Used in this sense, 'brand' is similar to the current meaning of the word 'trademark'" Forbes magazine

This source was taken from an article in Forbes magazine called 'what is a brand,anyway?' the articles main focus is about the customers perception of either a product or service. Forbes magazine is known for being one of Americas biggest magazine so its a trusty source to use.

"A marketing goal and methodology which involves elevating hype over substance; of imparting great value to the name whether or not the thing so named is worth anything at all." Urban Dictionary 

This source is from Urban Dictionary, UD works like wikipedia in which anyone can make and change definitions so it isn't exactly a trustworthy source but the reason I've used it because its general point of view, not one of a 'best selling author' or 'pioneering designer' which you'd expect to see. 

This task at times was hard as it was it tricky to decide upon a website was trustworthy or not, But purposely in this task I picked a untrustworthy source 'Urban Dictionary' to show that anyone can have a definition for a certain subject matter and one word can have numerous definitions. 

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